Who would say that making the character climb a ladder would be so difficult …

When they told me to make the character climb, I thought to myself “easy, when the character touches the ladder he goes up” But the character couldn’t just touch the ladder and go up, “what if the player didn’t want to go up the ladder and accidentally touches it?” Well, then the player has to press “E” or something like that. “What about the character that follows the player?” Well, I’ll make him stay downstairs. And so more and more problems arose. The gravity did not let the player go up, the animations did not fit, the character collided with the floor above when going up, that if its planet needed him and it went up to infinity and beyond. Anyway, what I thought would be a day’s job turned into a week’s job, but with a little ingenuity and Google, the character can finally climb a ladder.

Hanfox. ?

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